Judy is 84 and on the 4 May 2021 she started volunteering with us. She had recently finished her Tupperware business after many years. This left her with a lot of time on her hands and, as she had recently had surgery she couldn’t drive for a few months, so she was stuck at home being bored. Then her friends Liz and Maria offered to give her a lift to come and join our Sorting and Packing Party. She had already met Debbie and Gail through our Garage Sales so she knew a few faces when she started.
Judy loves working in our warehouse one to two days a week. She says it gives her something to look forward to, a purpose and friendship. She loves giving back and making a difference. Judy has been on her own for over 45 years and so having a community of friends at work is very important to her.
We love having Judy on our team and enjoy hearing stories from her long life. One of Judy’s favourite sayings is “Live 5 minutes at a time.” This is her number one piece of advice for people as it has helped her get through some really tough seasons. It’s great wisdom for all of us.