Get Involved - Share Your Story

Lives Changed Already

5 Ways You Can Get Involved

Church 4 Life

Share My Story !

Let our community know why they should support our local charity by sharing how your life has been positively impacted by our charities support.

Donate your unwanted clothing and household goods which will be turned into practical help and hope, for people in need locally and globally.

Creating connection through meaningful work opportunities.
People from all backgrounds come together to find purpose. 

Any amount you donate is a huge help in keeping our charity operating and provides funds to help more local people with services they need.

Church 4 Life

Pray For

Pray that we can reach the people in our community who need our help and that we can continue providing services that are needed.

Our Mission

Our charity mission (and yes… we chose to accept it) over the next 5 years is to see 1000 lives positively changed and impacted through the help our charity provides in our local community.

For over 20 years, we’ve been providing affordable food, clothing and household items to locals in need, along with free food hampers or gift vouchers to those needing emergency assistance. At times our charity has coordinated emergency appeals and we now provide support to schools, aged care facilities & provide help during bushfires & floods.

We regularly hear stories from people on how our charity has helped them during a rough patch in life, and it is these stories that motivate us to keep working hard, to keep providing affordable and free services to our community, to continue collecting donations with our free pick up service. 

Charity services are essential for so many people!

So with their permission, we are collating the stories of many wonderful people whose lives have been positively changed through our charity. We want to community to see who they are helping when they donate, and why it is so important to help local charities like Church 4 Life Charities.

"I didn't think I had a story... except I do."

Is your story similar or different to the stories below? 
We want to hear how you got connected in with our charity.

Share Your Story

We would be honoured to hear your story of how Church 4 Life Charities has impacted your life in a positive way.

5 Ways You Can Get Involved


Bronwyn regular customer at one of our op shops and has had a lot of bad luck recently, including having

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Andy often felt listless and lost, without purpose. Then he found us and everything changed. Things had changed at his

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Darby is studying Marine Biology at Newcastle University and he’s part of our team. We love uni students. When they

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Julie shares how her life has been changed through the opportunities Church 4 Life Charities has given her to teach

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"I didn't think I had a story... except I do."

Is your story similar or different to the stories below? 
We want to hear how you got connected in with our charity.

Church 4 Life

“As a busy mum, I regularly go through the kids wardrobes, I love that I can send a quick text and Church 4 Life will collect from my house for free”

Church 4 Life

“The staff in the op shop are friendly and the products are quality but cheap in price.
There’s lots of parking too”

Church 4 Life

“The blue donation bags help teach my kids about sharing with people less fortunate. They now get excited to donate their old toys to other kids”

Share Your Story

We would be honoured to hear your story of how Church 4 Life Charities has impacted your life in a positive way.


Bronwyn regular customer at one of our op shops and has had a lot of bad luck recently, including having

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Andy often felt listless and lost, without purpose. Then he found us and everything changed. Things had changed at his

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Darby is studying Marine Biology at Newcastle University and he’s part of our team. We love uni students. When they

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Julie shares how her life has been changed through the opportunities Church 4 Life Charities has given her to teach

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Jayden was born with genetic disabilities that have made even the simplest things in life a bigger challenge than normal.

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When you visit our Woodrising Op Shop you will meet the bubbly, smart, creative and super friendly Debbie. Being a

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I’m Toby and I’m 7 years old. My family is my 5 year old brother Jayden, my Mum Sam and

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Bella tells her story: “Church 4 Life Charities changed my life by giving me a positive workplace where I get

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Our Community Sponsors

Church 4 Life


We encourage everyone to support these generous local businesses who have supported our charity and launch day with raffle prizes and awareness. 

Church 4 Life


We encourage everyone to support these generous local businesses who have supported our charity and launch day with raffle prizes and awareness. 

Meaningful Giving

If you’d like to set up regular giving, or would like to give a once off donation, please click the secure link below. 

  • Most Needed- this is our ‘Most Needed’ fund to cover our Charities most urgent needs.
  • Mission- 1000 Lives Changed  is put towards community activities that help our mission of seeing 1000 local lives changed.
  • PetrolIs used to ‘Chip in for Petrol’ so we can continue providing a free clothing collection service.
  • Clothing Collectors Will be received for our Clothing Collection expenses, vehicle repair, shipping costs.
  • Emergency Assistancehelps to purchase items for those in crisis situations. Previous examples have been food hampers, gift vouchers, petrol to those in need. Items will depend on individual circumstances and is given through Church 4 Life Pantry or Pete’s Kitchen.

Our Community Sponsors

Church 4 Life


We encourage everyone to support these generous local businesses who have supported our charity and launch day with raffle prizes and awareness.