Church 4 Life

Like most 4 year olds Zaylee and Alexa love to play and can never have too many toys. They also grow out of their toys fast. They LOVE our Warners Bay Op Shop!

Their Mum Emma is thankful that the op shop helps her teach Zaylee and Alexa how to declutter their books, toys, games and clothes they no longer need and donate them to other help other kids. When they visit the op shop they sometimes see the items they have donated on the shelves. They are learning that other kids have donated the toys they like so they can buy them and take them home (for a while). Even at 4 they are starting to understand how the sharing and second-hand economy helps everyone.

Learning life lessons like this at such a young age is setting up Alexa and Zaylee to be kind, generous and compassionate adults who are life changes for all of their lives. This makes the future better for all of us.

Zaylee and Alexa are favourite customers at the op shop. The staff enjoy chatting with them and hearing their stories. They love seeing Chelsea and Jean. Just yesterday Alexa was excited to tell us about the Toy House she bought at the op shop and how “it’s better than Nanny’s Toy House. Her’s is white and ours is better.”


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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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