Church 4 Life

When we met Jye in January we had no idea about his family situation, we simply knew the man who turned up for the interview was a good man and a good fit for our team. At the beginning of April Gail was asking staff to share their story, or to ask their “Better Half” to share how working here had helped their family. We were delighted to hear from Jye’s partner Rhiannon and to see how his job with us changed their family.

Rhiannon emailed in their story. She writes: “Where to start? We are a family of 7 and only had a bub 6 months ago. I had to stop working, with 5 kids and no income it’s a struggle! We would miss so many meals just so our 5 amazing girls could eat and be healthy! Miss so out on so much to make sure our kids come first. My partner Jye got a job through Church 4 Life Charities and not just the job, but the support is overwhelming. Their Op Shop has lots of discounted products and always a generous staff member there to help you out or just have a chat. The extra clothes or toys our kids get, or the meals we don’t miss anymore!  We say a big Thank You to Church 4 Life!!! Words really don’t express the feelings and gratitude I have for them all!!”

Your donations of clothes created a job for Jye. He is one of our Collectors, driving all over the Hunter and Central Coast, treasure hunting for donations. Without your donations his family would still be struggling.

Thank you for your support. It is changing lives like Jye and Rhiannon’s and their precious girls.


Will you tell us about how Church 4 Life Charities has made a difference for you? Go to to share your story now.

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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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