Church 4 Life

In November 2021, we received a call from another local charity called Anglican Care Alkira Centre. The were putting together numerous packs filled with lots of essential items specifically to give to ‘Women In Crisis’.

The issue was that they didn’t have anything suitable to put all of the items into. They asked us, Church 4 Life Clothing Collectors, if we would be willing to collect about 10-20 bags for them and they would buy the from us.

We thought what they were doing was incredibly kind and because they were helping women in our local community, we jumped at the chance to help in any way we could and even though they were willing to pay for the bags we were delighted to share our donations with them at no cost to Anglican Care Alkira Centre.

Our charity receives so many generous donations from the public and of course many backpacks started to come through. Our Sorting and Packing Team collected 20x beautiful backpacks and we handed them over to Kayla from the Anglican Care Alkira Centre mid-November. They went on to help change lives.



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Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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