I’m Toby and I’m 7 years old. My family is my 5 year old brother Jayden, my Mum Sam and my Dad Bryden.
We love getting the blue bags in our mailbox. Mum is teaching us how to choose which clothes and toys we want to keep and which ones we want to give to other kids to use. She says the more we donate the easier it will be to keep our room tidy. Tidy rooms are very important to Mums.
We fill lots of garbage bags and then we all carry them out to the mailbox. The blue bag driver comes and pick them up in his van while we are at school. But you have to put your bags out on the right day otherwise the driver doesn’t know they are there. One time we had a really big clean out when a blue bag didn’t come so Mum texted the people and they sent a special driver out just for us!
Our clothes then go to help kids and parents in countries all over the world!
#donateclothes #1000LivesChanged #kidswhocare