Church 4 Life

When we first started, we used to have “Stapling Parties” where church members at Boolaroo would staple hundreds and then thousands of flyers to bags each Sunday ready to be distributed into letterboxes the following week. Obviously it was a wonderful day when we were finally able to afford printed bags!

18 March 2016

Meet Pete. He always brings big smiles and fun along as he volunteers. Pete is our champion “Stapler” and has stapled tens of thousands of flyers to bags to let you know when we will be coming through your area. He loves going out and collecting donations.

Pete says: “I love working with Church 4 Life Clothing Collectors. It gets me out of the house and I get to meet some lovely people collecting the clothes. The friendship among the crew is wonderful 🙂 ”


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Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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