Church 4 Life

I am deeply honoured to be part of this amazing decade of miracles, meeting hundreds of wonderful people and knowing that together we are changing lives locally and globally!

I remember the first time I donated to our Clothing Collectors for our very first container for Fiji. I decided to declutter my linen closet and was shocked to find I had over 30 bath towels!!! Wow!!! Way too many for one home, so into 3 garbage bags most of them went. I felt much better with less and very thankful I knew my donation would provide work for poor people.

Thank you to each and every donor – we can’t do what we do without you! I have spoken to hundreds of you on the phone or via text, many of you I met in person when I was distributing and collecting blue bags in the early days or at our Garage Sales or Op Shops. We value each and every donor.  My heart still smiles when I remember the many, many times our donors have come through for us when we’ve urgently called out for donations in a hurry to meet a need. Thank you!

Thank you to all the amazing business partners we have worked with. Belinda from APM introduced me to one of our best team members ever and has become one of my friends. Steve, Ian and Diane have worked hard to keep our vehicles working so we could keep serving our community with our collection service. The team at McGraths who truck in and out our shipping containers. The Rhema gang who I enjoy a laugh with as we chat on the radio. My friends at Kingdom Business Global for their encouragement and support. So many other businesses who have supported us in our journey.

Thank you to each and every team member over the last ten years. Volunteers, Work for the Dole, Community Service and WDO participants and employees. You guys rock! I call you Heroes because that’s what you are – heroes! Giving of yourselves to make our world a better place. It has been a privilege building this wonderful charity with you. Many of you have become my friends and have changed my life for the better. We have worked until our muscles ached and sweat was pouring off us, we have laughed and rejoiced together, we have cried and whinged together and we have prayed hundreds of prayers and seen the miracles. I’m so thankful that I have been part of your journeys and seeing you grow and move into better seasons of life.

In my role at Church 4 Life Clothing Collectors, I have truly come to understand that miracles involved 3 key ingredients – a problem you can’t solve, a dose of faith in Jesus Christ and a whole lot of hard yakka! Miracles here come dressed in hi viz and as a team we are the muscles behind the miracles for which others have prayed. We’ve seen so many miracles that wouldn’t have happened if people hadn’t done the hard yakka to pull them off. Like when Richard drove to Taree 5 times in 2 weeks responding to the 2019 bushfires or Tammy walking through rain, hail and heat to distribute blue bags or Greg playing tetris with hundreds of different shaped boxes in a sweltering shipping container on a tight deadline so kids in Malaysia could get toys at Christmas or Debbie and the Garage Sale Team giving thousands of hours to make that miracle happen every month for years.

Thank you to the members of Church 4 Life. You have given generously your time, talents and finances. And most importantly you have prayed, prayed and prayed some more for us and with us. When our backs were against the wall, when we desperately needed miracles, our church family has always been there to provide the faith for our miracles and to ask Jesus Christ to do the impossible for us once again.

Thank you to my family and friends. Y’all have been part of this adventure directly and a wonderful support to me as I lead. I’m so thankful to blessed with amazing friends and family.

And last but not least I’d like to thank Jesus Christ for giving me this gift of leading in this life changing adventure. We always say “It’s always and adventure at the warehouse”. It’s true. It’s always an adventure and I couldn’t do it without the grace, guidance and love of my Saviour Jesus.

These last ten years have been and amazing adventure and I’m super excited to see where the next 10 years takes us… but for now, we celebrate!

#itsalwaysanadventureatthewarehouse #myteamrocks #ilovemyjob #miracles #church4life #1000LivesChanged




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Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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