Church 4 Life

Homeless for 2 years due to Covid, Colin had lost his job and was looking for a way to house himself, his wife, his four kids and his mother-in-law when Church 4 Life Charities had a job opening.

“My sister had a place with a flat at the back. She had one of my kids with her, which meant we had three adults and three kids in a one-bedroom flat.”

Colin explained about how each difficulty came one after the other. The pandemic made things hard, then he lost his job, then they lost their home, then it was hard to find work when you’re down and out.

“We had gone from place to place, staying with friends and people from our church community before my sister was able to help us. It’s a squeeze but we made it work.”

Colin explained more about the work situation he had come from. “After being bullied in my last job I was asking God to give me a job where I didn’t have to deal with it. Getting the sack was such a downer after that. I just had to trust God.

I found the position with Church 4 Life Charities on Seek. I had lost all my confidence, but I managed to apply anyway. Then I heard about it again from a friend who works there and recommended it. He gave me a referral and after an interview I was working the next day. And it has made all the difference.

I’ve been building my confidence, and when there are not enough shifts, we pray for the work to come in. People have been nice to me, kind and respectful.”

Since Colin shared his story with us, his wife has come to work with us too. Everything has changed for them, and after building his confidence Colin was able to apply for another job that was an even better fit for him.

“I’m excited about my new job, but I would never have got it if I didn’t get the chance to work here. I didn’t feel like I could succeed but now I know I can. I am just so, so grateful to everyone here. ”

Even though Colin has recently moved onto another job, he still comes by to lend a hand and volunteer. He has a grateful heart and loves being part of giving back to the community, knowing that it all goes to giving a hand up to people just like him and makes all the difference.

We’ve been praying with Colin for months that he and his family would find a perfect new home. We were so excited to hear their answer to prayer just before Easter! With such a tight rental market, Colin’s wife almost fainted when she heard they had finally been accepted for a new home. We pray that God will bless them all abundantly in their new home.

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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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