Church 4 Life

In November 2021 we had a wonderful donor named Corinne call us saying that her brother and her purposely spend each year buying and storing clothing, with the purpose of giving a bulk lot of brand new items to charities at Christmas time. They have done this for the past 25 years.

Neither of them had a family of their own and they had thoughtfully decided that giving to charity each year was something they wanted to do with their money, time and just to bring some good to those more vulnerable in life.

They had previously given to Womens shelters, Homeless charities, Children’s charities, well known charities and charities who they had felt are doing a great job in the community.

This year Corinne had been driving down Macquarie Road in Warners Bay as she had done many times before, but this time our big signs hanging out the front of the building caught her eye for the first time. To her this was the ‘sign’ she was waiting for, as they had not picked a charity to give to yet. They gave approximately 90 new items, all specifically for men this year, packed neatly into multiple bags.

The thoughtfulness and generosity of our amazing donors astounds us! Their kind Christmas donation will go on to help many men who are not able to afford to buy new clothes. What a blessing at Christmas time!

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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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