Church 4 Life

Mother of 4, Cherie, had severe anxiety and depression but found confidence and purpose by taking a step of faith.

“After starting work with Church 4 Life last year, my life has been changed so dramatically.
As a busy mother of 4 children, I haven’t worked in 18 years and over the past 4 years I have suffered with severe anxiety and depression and was almost admitted to hospital as it got so bad.

If someone had told me that I would be working for Church 4 Life, I would have laughed at them. I took a step of faith and applied for the job and was so blown away when I got the call to say I got the job, as my self-doubt was overwhelming me.

I now know that this was where God was pointing me to all along, I just had to take the first step. I am so excited to see what else God has in plan for me while I am working here at Church 4 Life.”

Cherie has been a friendly, fun and vibrant member of our Op Shop team. She is down to earth and has the ability to connect with and chat to anyone. Even though she had anxiety to the level she did, we LOVE that she felt the fear but still took that first step anyway! The genuine care she has for customers is evident and we are so glad that Cherie has found where she is meant to be.

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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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