Church 4 Life

“I was desperate to get out and Church 4 Life sent people to meet me on the way.”

Alexa was suffering domestic violence and knew it was time to leave.

“I had no friends or family nearby where I was in Brisbane, and I had to leave before the lockdowns left me trapped. I was suffering from chronic illness and wanted to reach my aunty in Newcastle, NSW before the snap lock down shut the borders. With only a few hours notice, I jumped in my car and started to drive, leaving everything behind. It was the most difficult thing I’ve had to do. My aunty asked for help, and one of the ladies from Church 4 Life charities rearranged their day and came with my aunt to meet me halfway. I was so tired but I had made it across the border and a few hours further. I called them and they said to pull over and they came to find me. One of them drove my car the rest of the way for me. I was so relieved when I saw them.”

Alexa was able to receive respite from her family when she reached Newcastle and explains about how her life was changed.

“I had to leave everything behind and start again. I was really grateful to receive a food hamper and some necessities. After some time I started recovering. I got on Centrelink and found that the Food Bank at the Church 4 Life Op Shop made my dollar stretch further. Some of their staff even gave me some white goods to get me started when I found my own place. I’m so grateful I didn’t have to do it all alone. I thank God for the heart of the people here. I was so isolated and had no hope, but with their help, I have been given a fresh start.”

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Church 4 Life

Gail Taylor

Managing Director

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