
Sponsor a Hamper or Two

We are making 4 different size Hampers for different size families.

Each Hamper will Include:

1) Everyday essentials like rice, milk, cereal and soap
2) Christmas treats like chocolate biscuits, lollies or Christmas puddings
3) A small gift for each family member
4) A card with a personalised message
5) A lot of love from our hamper packing team

Church 4 Life

How many Hampers will you sponsor this Christmas? All donations are tax deductible.

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Enter how many of each hamper you would like to sponser.  We will calculate the total for you!

You don’t have to worry about calculating if you already know what amount you would like to give.

Donations of $2 and more are tax deductible.
Corporate sponsorships available. For details see our 2nd FAQ here.

Other Ways to be Involved

Church 4 Life

Donate Food and Gifts

Church 4 Life

Register for Packing Party

Church 4 Life

Nominate Someone for a Hamper

Hampers With Heart is an initiative of Church 4 Life Charities as part of our Mission to see 1,000 Lives Changed  by 4 April 2027.

Contact us on 0466 842 101 or [email protected]