Church 4 Life

Watch this for our special message to you!

How Your Donation Helps

1- We can continue to provide a FREE collection service to the Hunter and Central Coast regions

2-Our Petrol bill this year will be approximately $60,000

3- Last year Church 4 Life Clothing Collectors rescued 1 MILLION kgs of clothing from landfill

4-With every $1 donated towards petrol, we collect 23kgs of clothes to send to people affected by poverty

5- The clothes, linen, shoes, hats etc that we collect are Re-worn ~ Re-used ~ Recycled in Australia or Overseas

Online Giving

Thank you for your generous contribution to the work of Church 4 Life and it’s charities. 

Giving Online Safely

We have chosen ‘Tithe.ly’ to collect donations, as it is secure and used by hundreds of churches globally.

Tax Deductibility

All donations of $2 or more to Church 4 Life are tax deductible (with the exception of Tithes & Offerings).
A receipt for your tax return will be emailed to you in July each year for your donations for the past financial year.

Cover Fees

If you chose to tick this box an extra little bit will be added to your donation to cover the fees we pay to use this online giving product. Most of our donors will tick this box to help us out.


 All donations made by 30 June 2021 of $2 or more will receive their tax receipts by 1 July 2021

Meaningful Ways To Give

  • Most Needed- this is our ‘Most Needed’ fund to cover our Charities most urgent needs.

  • PetrolIs used to ‘Chip in for Petrol’ so we can continue providing a free clothing collection service.

  • Clothing Collectors Will be received for our Clothing Collection expenses, vehicle repair, shipping costs.

  • Emergency Assistancehelps to purchase items for those in crisis situations. Previous examples have been food hampers, gift vouchers, petrol to those in need. Items will depend on individual circumstances and is given through Church 4 Life Pantry or Pete’s Kitchen.

 If you’d like to set up regular giving, or would like to give a once off donation, 
please click the secure link above.